Food & Beverage
Country Office
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
xxx xxxx xx xxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
President & COO Purchasing, Operations & Logistics |
xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
SVP - Europe, Africa & Middle East |
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
SVP - General Counsel & Secretary Administration |
xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
VP - Middle East & North Africa |
xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Chairman Senior Management |
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Head of Information Technology Information Technology |
xxx xxxxx xxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Sales Manager Sales |
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Marketing Manager Marketing |
xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
CFO Finance |
xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Deputy General Manager General Management |
xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
General Manager, Member Of The Board General Management |
xxx xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Head of Information Technology Information Technology |
xxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Marketing Manager Marketing |
xxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Sales Manager Sales |
xxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Administration Officer Administration |
xxxx xx xxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
President & COO Purchasing, Operations & Logistics |
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
SVP - Europe, Africa & Middle East |
xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
SVP - General Counsel & Secretary Administration |
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
VP - Middle East & North Africa |
xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Chairman Senior Management |
xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Head of Information Technology Information Technology |
xxxxx xxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Sales Manager Sales |
xxxxx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Marketing Manager Marketing |
xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
CFO Finance |
xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Deputy General Manager General Management |
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
General Manager, Member Of The Board General Management |
xxxxx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Head of Information Technology Information Technology |
xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Marketing Manager Marketing |
xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Sales Manager Sales |
xxxxxx xx xxxxxxNational Poultry PLC / Amman |
Administration Officer Administration |